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Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer: Get Certified 2022




5hr 41min


About the Course

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is an increasingly popular public cloud and the demand for certified professionals is growing. In fact, the top-paying certification is one of Google’s cloud certifications—the Professional Cloud Architect. With that said, Google’s Associate Cloud Engineer certification is an ideal starting point for those new to cloud or GCP, and it can be used as a pathway to Professional-level certifications.

I’ve designed this course to help prepare you for the Google Associate Cloud Engineer exam by introducing all of the major GCP services covered on the test, including Compute Engine, App Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Functions, Cloud SQL, BigQuery, Bigtable, VPCs, VPNs, Stackdriver, and more. And to reinforce what you see and hear, you can follow along and work with the cloud console or command line utility to get hands-on experience with GCP.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Create and configure virtual machine instances in Compute Engine using the Cloud Console and command line

  • Dive into Identity and Access Management (IAM), an important part of the exam

  • Develop decision making skills for choosing among compute, storage, and networking options

  • Familiarize yourself with the structure of the test and how to study for it, including tips on other study resources

  • Improve your system management and DevOps skills by understanding how to monitor applications in the cloud

The Google Associate Cloud Engineer exam is two hours in length and contains 50 multiple-choice and multiple-select questions. This course uses demonstrations as well as lectures to ensure you know how to work with GCP and understand its key design and operational concepts. This approach will help you reason through tough exam questions that probe your understanding of GCP’s overall design and recommended best practices.

Your Instructor

Dan Sullivan

Dan Sullivan

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